Continuing my backlog, AJ already blogged about these (much more timely I might add) and so I just ganked her pictures (thanks!).
We did three co quilts for friends’ babies, it was a pretty efficient system! I did the piecing and she did all applique and embroidery, we’d pin/spray them together and took turns quilting then I’d do the binding (I’ve bound dozens of my gramma’s quilts so, experience!).
All the backing for these came from my stash, it hardly made a dent!
Okay but check out that black outline, AJ freaking cut out that out from fleece and appliqued it.
This is why she does the appliqueing, I have nooooo patience for that!
They came out so cute ;_;
For the backs of these AJ also made full on I-Spy quilts!
This sea life quilt for Doris was also stash!
And per usual AJ did all this applique/embroidery.
And I found this adorable narwhal flannel at Eddie’s Quilting Bee, it was perfect!
Last one, the first one we did together, not stash! Except the blue and cloud borders.
All those little chevrons and the eyes and the whiskers… AJ’s crazy.